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How to Share an Instagram Story Without Being Tagged

Ever wondered how to share an Instagram story without being tagged? It's easier than you might think. Whether it's a captivating picture or a dynamic video, re-sharing content on Instagram can significantly enhance your engagement levels and build a stronger rapport with your audience.

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In This Article:

  • Understanding Instagram's Story Sharing Policy

  • Methods to Share an Instagram Story Without Being Tagged

  • Step-by-Step Guide to Share an Instagram Story Without Being Tagged

  • Ethical Considerations and Permissions

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Ever wondered how to share an Instagram story without being tagged? It's easier than you might think. Whether it's a captivating picture or a dynamic video, re-sharing content on Instagram can significantly enhance your engagement levels and build a stronger rapport with your audience.

Leveraging user-generated content not only keeps your Instagram stories fresh but also encourages your followers to create and share brand-related content. This can serve as powerful social proof, effectively turning your followers into brand ambassadors. So, let's dive into the world of Instagram stories and explore the simple steps to re-sharing content, even if you haven't been tagged.

Understanding Instagram's Story Sharing Policy

Why Direct Reposting Is Limited to Tagged Users

Ever wondered why Instagram's policy limits direct reposting to tagged users only? This limitation primarily exists to protect the privacy of the users. When a user creates an Instagram story, it's often intended for their followers or people they've directly mentioned or tagged. Therefore, if they didn't tag you originally, it's generally because they didn't consider their content relevant to you.

For instance, let's take the keyword phrase "how to share someone's story on Instagram to my story without being tagged." The keyword "without being tagged" is what constrains you, keeping in mind Instagram’s privacy policies. Re-posting someone's Instagram story without their permission or without being tagged can infringe on their privacy rights. Instagram intends to maintain a balance between sharing and privacy, thereby allowing story sharing only when the original poster has tagged you.

Moreover, Instagram's algorithm prioritizes user experience. By restricting direct re-posting to those tagged in the story, Instagram minimizes irrelevant or low-quality content appearing in users' feeds. This ensures that content that makes it to your story aligns with your followers' interests, contributing to a more engaging user experience.

Lastly, Instagram aims to inspire creativity among its users. By making direct sharing a little more challenging, Instagram nudices users to create more original content that resonates with their audience, enhancing overall diversity and quality on the platform.

However, if you wish to re-post Instagram stories you haven't been tagged in, it's not an impossible task. In the following sections, we will delve into viable ways of doing so, while respecting the platform's policy and the privacy of other users. Do keep in mind to always credit the original poster and seek their permission when possible.

Methods to Share an Instagram Story Without Being Tagged

There are ways to share an Instagram story without being tagged by leveraging built-in smartphone features and exploiting third-party apps. This section will guide you through various methods of doing so while successfully navigating Instagram's story sharing parameters.

Taking a Screenshot or Screen Recording

Consider this option if you only seek a snapshot or a clip from the story. It requires a few steps, and they may vary depending on your device type.

For iPhone Users:

  1. Open the story you want to save.
  2. Slide your finger down from the top right corner, where your device's battery icon resides.
  3. Tap the Record button, and this kicks off the screen recording process.
  4. Navigate to the Instagram story you wish to capture.
  5. When done, tap the Red record button situated on the screen's top left corner.
  6. Optionally, edit the video. If there's any need for a trim— especially at the beginning or end— make sure only the story, not your phone settings, appear.

For Android Users:
If your Android device lacks the native screen recording feature, here's what to do:

  1. Navigate to your Google PlayStore app.
  2. Hunt for a reliable screen recording app and download it.
  3. Adhere to the steps outlined in your chosen screen recording app to capture the Instagram story.

Note: If you wish to share this screen capture on your story or schedule it to post later, consider using a scheduling app.

Using Third-Party Apps to Repost Stories

If you desire finer options in re-posting someone's Instagram story, third-party apps would be excellent. Prominent examples are Repost, Story Reposter, and Regram. To leverage them:

  1. From your device's app store, download any of the suggested apps.
  2. Launch the app and grant the required permissions (such as access to your photo library and linking to your Instagram account).
  3. Within the app, rummage for the Instagram story you've set out to reshare.
  4. The moment you find the story, follow through with the app's guidelines to repost it.

Remember: Each repost app has unique features, so it might take some trials to discover the one that best suits your content strategy.

Sharing Through Direct Messages

Your final shot at sharing an Instagram story lies in the Direct Message (DM) feature. If a story captures your interest, you can share it with selected Instagram users through a DM.

You'll locate a tiny paper airplane icon at the bottom of every story. That stands for forwarding. Tap on it, and you can send the story to anyone—including groups—in a DM.

Note: If the account behind a story maintains a private setting, only followers of that account can view the forwarded story.

Step-by-Step Guide to Share an Instagram Story Without Being Tagged

Indulging in the social participation of sharing Instagram stories doesn't always seem straightforward, particularly when you're not tagged to the story. Yet, there exist ways for accomplishing this nevertheless. Let's examine step by step how to share someone's story on Instagram to your story without being tagged, which involves taking and editing screenshots, using reposting apps and Direct Message sharing.

How to Take and Edit a Screenshot for Sharing

  1. Access the story you'd like to share – Navigate to the Instagram story you intend to share. Ensure that unwanted elements like direct messages are cleared off the screen.
  2. Capture a screenshot – Implement the screenshot function on your device. For most iPhones, this involves pressing the power button and volume up simultaneously while, for most Androids, press the power and volume down buttons.
  3. Open your Gallery/Photos app – Locate the captured screenshot inside your phone's image storing application.
  4. Crop the screenshot to fit the frame – Using your device's editing settings, crop the image to remove extraneous parts. Aim for an aesthetically appealing result; bear in mind that Instagram crops to a 1:1 ratio for their posts.
  5. Save the image and post it – Retain your trimmed screenshot and head back to the Instagram app. From the "+" symbol at the bottom, choose the cropped screenshot and follow the prompts until you can post the story on your feed. Ensure to credit the original poster in your caption to avoid copyright infraction.

How to Use Apps for Reposting Stories

Prevalently, several third-party applications facilitate more agile resharing of Instagram stories. Notable examples include Repost, Story Reposter and Regram. Use these reliable third-party apps to share identified stories seamlessly without being tagged.

  1. Download an app of your choice – from your device’s app store.
  2. Launch the app and provide necessary permissions – These can span across access to your photo library or linking to your Instagram account.
  3. Find the relevant story – through the app's built-in search feature.
  4. Repost the story – leveraged from the guidelines given by the chosen app. Typically, this involves a 'Repost' button or opting for a repost feature.

Best Practices for Direct Message Sharing

Instagram also permits forwarding the stories without being tagged using Direct Messages, albeit with restrictions for accounts set as 'Private.'

  1. Open the story you wish to share – Navigate to the story you want to share within the Instagram app.
  2. Tap on the Direct Message icon – The DM icon is located at the bottom right corner. This action will open your Direct Messages.
  3. Choose the intended recipient – Select the person or group you want to share the story with, then tap 'Send.'
  4. Notify the Original Poster – Maintaining social media decorum, drop a courtesy message to the original poster notifying them of your reshare of their story.

Remember, these steps are designed to assist you in resharing stories from Instagram organically, without transgressing any copyright rules or regulations. Practice these methods ethically, respecting the content creator's work while enjoying the interactive experiences Instagram brings.

Ethical Considerations and Permissions

As you explore different methods of sharing Instagram stories without being tagged, it's essential to consider ethical factors. This involves seeking permission before reposting and crediting the original creator.

Seeking Permission Before Reposting

When desiring to repost content on Instagram, the priority rests in securing permission from the original creator. Remember, original content carries copyright laws and it is ethical to respect these rights. Start the process by sending a direct message or initiating a conversation via their photo comments. For instance, you can write: "Hello, this post/story catches my attention and I believe it would be valuable to my followers as well. Can I have your permission to repost it on my story? I will, of course, credit you for your work."

Offering additional benefits like mentioning the size of your audience or offering a discount code can be effective at times, but these methods aren't always necessary. The ultimate goal is to obtain express consent from the original content owner, as it is their creative property.

Crediting the Original Creator

Once you have secured permission to repost, the next crucial step is to provide due credit. Credit can be given in two ways: through Instagram's official credit feature or manually in your post caption or story. This will link back to the original content, thus giving the original content owner their deserved recognition.

To add a credit manually, you could write something like this: "Amazing post by @originalcreator. Remember to check out their profile for more great content." Always use correct tagging to avoid any copyright infringements. Your respect for other people's work helps maintain a positive Instagram community and goes a long way in ensuring content is shared ethically, even when discussing how to share someone's story on Instagram to your story without being tagged.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

In course of reposting or sharing Instagram stories without being tagged, you might encounter a few hurdles. Let's discuss the most common issues and how you can overcome them effectively.

Addressing Quality Loss in Screenshots

Undoubtedly, screenshots present a fast and easy way to share someone's Instagram story to your story without being tagged. However, resulting images from screenshots may suffer from quality loss. This distortion largely depends on your device's screen resolution and the image resizing done by Instagram. You can alleviate this issue by ensuring that your device screen is adjusted to the highest resolution settings.

  1. Update Screen Resolution: Go into your device settings and adjust the screen resolution to the highest available option.
  2. Avoid Image Resizing: Try not to make substantial edits to the screenshot before posting. Any additional resizing can further degrade the image quality.

Resolving App-Related Issues

At times, your woes may be tied to app-related problems which could be caused by different factors, ranging from outdated applications to storage limitations.

  1. Update App: Ensure your Instagram app is up-to-date. Instagram regularly updates its application to fix bugs and improve performance. Make sure you have the latest version installed on your device.
  2. Clear Cache: Your device might be storing excessive cache data, which can hinder the performance of the Instagram app. Clear the cache from your device settings to free up some space and potentially improve the app's function.
  3. Reinstall Instagram: If the issues persist, consider re-installing the Instagram app. Make sure to back up any important data linked to the app before proceeding with this step.

Remember that having open and respectful communication with the original story creator contributes significantly to a healthy social media environment. Acknowledge their creative efforts by giving suitable credit when reposting their works. With these practical solutions, you can now take on your journey as a responsible Instagram user with fewer hitches. After all, the objective is to foster meaningful connections and create enriching content.


The absence of direct tagging compels you to tap into unconventional methods. Instagram, by default, does not necessarily facilitate sharing someone else's story without being tagged. However, understanding the processes can get you a step closer to achieving this task.

  1. Capture a Screenshot:
    The first option you have is to take a screenshot of the story you want to share. However, before sharing, keep in mind the importance of obtaining explicit consent from action owners. Ethical considerations demand respecting privacy and acknowledging original content creators. Maintaining a positive social media environment ensures considerate and responsible resharing activities.
  2. Share a Direct Link:
    Another method revolves around sharing the direct link to the story. To get the link, tap the three-dot icon at the top right corner of the story and select to copy the link. Now, you can share this link as you desire, making sure it's within your private sphere to respect privacy regulations. However, it's worth noting that this method restricts access to the content if the original account is private and the recipient doesn't follow.
  3. Use Third-Party Apps:
    Additionally, some external applications exist to facilitate Instagram interactions. Several third-party apps enable users to repost others' Instagram posts, including stories. These apps usually involve merely copying the story's URL and pasting it into the app. Some examples are Repost for Instagram, DownloadGram, and InstaSave. Yet, caution stands at the forefront, as some of the apps might violate Instagram's terms of use or infringe on privacy concerns, hence not recommended for college or work-use.
  4. Save and Reshare:
    A more convoluted, yet effective method exists that begins by saving the story you're interested in sharing. First, select the option to save the story to your device. Once saved, you can upload the story from your camera roll to your Instagram story. Remember the pivotal point of crediting the original content owner to foster Instagram fraternity.

Take notice that the Instagram algorithm tends to favor stories more than posts, and knowing how to share someone's story on Instagram to my story without being tagged serves to increase views and engagement on your own profile. Elsewise, familiarizing yourself with these steps provides for a smoother social media experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I repost an Instagram story without being tagged?

Yes, while Instagram natively allows resharing stories where you've been tagged, there are few workarounds for resharing without being tagged. This involves adjusting the screen resolution or using third-party applications. However, always seek permission and credit the original content creator.

How can I save another user's Instagram story?

To save someone else's Instagram story, use a story saver app. After logging in with your Instagram account, it will show a list of stories from the people you follow. You can then select and save the story.

How can I share someone else's story on my own Instagram story?

To share a story, tap the message icon in the Instagram app, select the conversation of the user who tagged you in their story, then tap on their story. Tap on "Add This to Your Story" and make any necessary edits.

How to repost a story on Instagram without being tagged in 2024?

Currently, the specifics for resharing without tag in 2024 are unknown as Instagram continuously updates its features. The present methods include adjusting screen resolution or use of third-party apps. Always remember to respect content ownership while resharing.

What is the new Instagram story sharing feature?

Instagram recently introduced a new feature called "Friend's Story." While creating your story, you can select a friend and send your creation to them as a private message. They can then review it and, if they like it, add it to their story feed.

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Itunuoluwa Adegbayi

Author, Editor

Itunuoluwa Adegbayi, a linguist and content writer who seamlessly blends language science with engaging storytelling. Her work is clear, cohesive, and culturally sensitive, thanks to her background. With a keen eye on linguistic trends and digital strategies, she ensures her content stays relevant and impactful.

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